

“When words fail, music speak..”


When we talk about music, we would think about thousands of music instruments. A musical instrument basically is a device created or adapted to musical sounds. Which of course it will produce sound. In principle, any object that produces sound can be a musical instrument—it is through purpose that the object becomes a musical instrument.
The history of musical instruments dates back to the beginnings of human culture. For your information, the purpose of early musical instruments was ritual, such as a hunter might use a trumpet  to signal success on the hunt, or a shaman might use a drum in a religious ceremony. Cultures later developed the processes of composing and performing melodies for entertainment. Musical instruments evolved in step with changing applications. So now, it developed world wild and became one type of famous art.

Many early musical instruments were made from animal skins, bone, wood, and other non-durable materials. Musical instruments developed independently in many populated regions of the world. However, contact among civilizations resulted in the rapid spread and adaptation of most instruments in places far from their origin.


In order to accomplish our English project on entertainment, we (Nur Liyana and Nuur Ezzatyhusna) are given the responsibility to carry out some survey about music behaviour of people. Below are our report for our finding.


Survey 1 :Percentages of Perlis Matriculation's Student
Play Music Instruments.

From the pie chart above, the percentages of Perlis Matriculation's Student that play music instrument is 61.54%  while the percentages that does not play music instrument is 38.46%.
61.54% of student play music instrument such as :
      i) tambourine
      ii) trumpet
      iii) guitar
      iv) piano
      v) harmonica

38.46% of student that do not play music instruments at all wish to learn :
      i) guitar
      ii) piano

This big difference in both value is due to the difference in the purpose of music to difference students.
Students think that music use :
         i)  to make them relax
i        ii) to entertain themselves
i        iii)  to stay cool
i        iv)  to release stress

Music instrument and Personality

     Regarding the survey above, we tried to gain some extra research based on topic that is related with the survey above. We found something that is quite interesting for us to know about music instrument and our personality.Before we expose to our reader about that interesting knowledge, we have a question. Do you know that type of music instrument is actually related to our personality? This relation have been prove based on research done by psychologist. They believe that if we cannot succeed instrument that we choose, we actually choose the wrong instrument which is not suit to our personality.
     So, for some people out there have dilemma on choosing what music instrument to learn or hard to master the music instrument you play now, we suggest that, you choose instrument that suitable to your personality so that you will easily to learn and master it well.

    Therefore, we had provided some information on music instrument and we hope that it will helps you in choosing a music instrument that suits your unique personalities. We use the Atarah Ben-Tovim and Douglas Boyd practical guide, which is based on thorough research.

    The Flute

   It appeals to shy or lonely children who enjoy their own privacy. They may seem dreamy and forgetful, but could be quietly sociable and will enjoy making music with other children in orchestras and bands of all kinds. The aggressive and dominant child will not find satisfaction on the flute. 

    The Clarinet

   It appeals to bright, alert and sociable children with several different hobbies or interests. They look forward to play with others in orchestras of all sorts.
   The Saxophone

    It is very suitable for children who are labeled as ‘casual’ or ‘absent-minded’. Happy, well-balanced gregarious children, not in need of a close relationship with a teacher, find the saxophone an ideal way of getting into the world of making music with friends. The saxophone is designed for the delicious freedom of improvisation.

    The Oboe
   Ideal for determined, tight-lipped, stubborn introverts who prefer only one to two close friends. Oboe-players in an orchestra tend to make a little clan and keep to themselves.


    The Bassoon

   This instrument is for responsive and pleasantly-gregarious children, with a quiet sense of humor. They tend to be the practical jokers in the woodwind section of the orchestra.


    Cornet & Trumpet

   Appeal to sociable children with lots of ‘nervous energy’ and can accommodate the aggressive, dominant and ambitious child, as well as the easygoing.  It is an excellent instrument for the individualistic child who wants to feel independent of the family.

    Tenor horn and Baritone

    This instrument is very satisfying for gentle, peaceful children who do not want to dominate others. They are easygoing, responsible children who like being ‘in the middle of things’. They are often asked to be organizers of rehearsals, or the secretary of the orchestra, or the librarian of the orchestra’s music.  


    French Horn

    For children who prefer to relate to small groups. They do not easily mix with others. This instrument appeals to conscientious, intense, hardworking and persistent children. It is a very difficult instrument to master, but a challenge to the child who need to prove her/himself as unique and special.


   Trombone is most fulfilling for artistic, quietly sociable and sensitive children who need to feel that they are making the sound. It is particularly satisfying for children who want to express their personalities playing in jazz bands.



  It is usually for responsive children who are readily reacting or replying to people or events or stimuli. (Euphonium means 'beautiful sound', and this instrument has indeed the most beautiful and soul-soothing sound.)  


  An ideal instrument for the responsive, good-natured boy who are happy belonging to a group It is also suitable for who tend to ‘lead behind the curtains’.

 String instruments


   It is suitable for the quietly behaved children, neither solitary nor gregarious. They must be able to accept that their principle function as players is to contribute to a corporate sound – the individual string-player is rarely heard alone.

     Appeals to responsive, kindly children who want to contribute to a group endeavor.



   This instrument asks for big hands and long arms and often attracts shy children who need the respect of others but don’t like the limelight.


    Double Bass 
  Offers no outlet for the child who wants to dominate, but highly suitable for one with an interest in jazz music. Playing the double bass in jazz combo is fulfilling and creatively satisfying.

   Percussion: Drums, cymbals, maracas, wood-block, drum kit, xylophone

    For the tense, nervous, often irritable, hyperactive, restless child the percussion section of an orchestra offers satisfaction and fulfillment.

   Piano is most suitable for the quietly, intelligent and conscientious child (from the age of eight). Gregarious children are miserable on this instrument, for it takes many years of study before it can be played with others. It is an ideal instrument to begin with, as it provides basic theoretical background for all other music instruments.

    Classical Guitar

  Classical guitar is instrument which is deeply comforting and pleasurable to the acquisitive or possessive child – perhaps a collector or a hoarder of pocket money. Chess-players feel good reading and playing guitar music. It is also suitable for the self-contained and independent child who does not want open or equal-sided relationships. The child who succeeded in the guitar enjoys being alone. The classical guitar player will easily master the electrical-, bass-, and folk guitar. 

    Survey 2: “Does Music Help in Study”

   From survey that had been carried out in Perlis Matriculation College,most of the students think that music helps in study. Music helps them in study in various ways. Some of them use music medium to relax themselves from work and study. Another student used music to make some noise during they study alone at the midnight so that they feel secure and not so lonely and afraid.

    Based on the survey that we had carried out above, we want to now more on why music can helps in a person’s study? What is actually connection between music and study? So, we search for some information about the topics. Then, we got the answer.

   Actually, the help of music in study had been proven from some research in internet.  From the research, it said that music can help in brain development of a person. Usually, people who have knowledge in music since children will perform well in their study. Studies have shown that students who know how to play an instrument have higher IQ's as well. It even helps the development of certain parts of the brain. Besides, learn on how to read music helps a person with their math skills and their English skills as well. Therefore, a person should learn how to play at least one instrument in their life. 

     How Music Affects the Brain and How You Can Use It to Your Advantage

     Recall Memories

    Reports back in the 1990s that said that studying while listening to Mozart increases the likelihood of performing well on a test, but that has been disproven in some studies, and in turn, studies have shown some music has a negative affect on fact retention if you're studying numbers or lists. Still, performing music has been proven to increase memory and language skills, but for listeners, it's better used as a means to recall memories. It has been shown in Alzheimer's patients to help with memory recall, and even restore cognitive function. It works for Alzheimer's patients in the same way it works in everyone else.

   When you listen to music you know, it stimulates the hippocampus, which handles long-term storage in the brain. Doing so can also bring out relevant memories you made while listening to a particular song. So, even though the Mozart-effect has essentially been disproven, the idea that forming a new memory with music, and then using the same music again later to recall the memory still appears to be a sound idea. If you're having trouble remembering something, you might have better luck if you play the same music you were listening to when you first made the thought.

      Boost Your Immune System

     The idea that listening to music can boost your immune system might sound a little crazy on the surface, but the science backs it up. Soothing music is known to decrease stress, and when it does that, it decreases the level of the stress hormone cortisol. It's not just soothing music though, even upbeat dance music is known to increase the level of antibodies in your system. Dr. Ronny Enk, who lead the recent research about music's effect on the immune system suggests, "We think the pleasant state that can be induced by music leads to special physiological changes which eventually lead to stress reduction or direct immune enhancement."

     Now the cold season has set in, it's a good idea to keep this in mind throughout the day. If you're feeling stressed out or if you're starting to feel ill, listening to music might be the extra help you need to stay well. If you're having trouble finding something soothing to listen to, our collection of work sounds are a good place to start. If you prefer the upbeat method, any fast and upbeat dance song will do the trick.

     Enhance Your Exercising

     As we've previously covered, music has a positive effect on exercising. In a recent study, researchers found a positive correlation between fast paced music and exercise. While it's nothing too surprising, music works to increase exercising strength by distracting attention and pushing the heart and muscles to work at a faster pace. Not much is known about how or why it works, but it's thought it eases exercise.

     The best music to listen to is between 120-140 beats per minute, which also happens to be the standard tempo for upbeat dance music, meaning you'll be increasing your immune system and helping you exercise at the same time.

     Keep Yourself from Choking Under 

     We've heard before that humming a tune decreases anxiety and the same goes to prevent choking. In a study of basketball players who were prone to failing at the free throw line, researchers found they could improve the player's percentage if they first listened to catchy, upbeat music. Listening to the Monty Python song, "Always Look on the Bright Side of Life," caused the basketball players to lose focus and execute their free throws with minimal involvement from the prefrontal cortex.

     If you're prone to getting anxious, worried, or choking in meetings or presentations, throwing on a humorous, light-hearted song before you go in might help distract your brain enough to keep you from failing. The above mentioned "Always Look on the Bright Side of Life," is a great example, but we're sure tracks from the likes of Jonathan Coulton, They Might Be Giants, Weird Al Yankovic, or any other comedy focused song will work just as well.

     Fight Fatigue and Increase Productivity

    The effect of using music to increase productivity is still inconclusive, even though a few studies were done on the subject. Regardless, it certainly doesn't hurt, and it seems the best option might be to use music without words so it doesn't have affect the language parts of your brain. The theory is similar to the exercise one above, faster music might keep you and your brain working hard.


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